Welcome to the twenties world! I was once told that the twenties are the best years to make an account of precious memories of life, dreams and love–doing so in the most vibrant manner possible.
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chitchat: I wonder who still use tag board nowadays? recent update :
written on Sunday, June 17, 2007 @ 12:28 AM ✈
thursday went old folks' home our last trip there.. cass was late so we went to eat Ljs. me and peiwen went for the playground over there very fun but was chased by the in charge there so we were late when we reached the old folks' home. chat again and played some games cass went home first after that then went mac went home with zenghui and peiwen qianhui , rachel and seet leei stay there we were walking to the mrt station then peiwen said " our train has reached already you all want to run?" zenghui was playing with the escalator and me was slacking then when we were there we saw the mrt then start to run into it we were so happy that we were on the train... but soon realised that WE are ON the WRONG way.. we were on the boon lay side''' laughing at what we had done .. so embarrassing.. FriDay got guides.. went back to do invitation cards and the script then went to send the card to changkat changi SatUrday mrs lam drove us there(thanks) and happy belated birthday (15/6) went for the facts or fantasy thing in NuS 18 teams and as you can see Damai surely lose got a few good school over there maris stella won ..(congrats) mrs lam asked yongtai what his sis name yongtai reply : chan. me and zenghui was like laughing like siao for the whole journey there mrs lam saw her old friend and chatted and like forget about our presence?? went for the kids lab there to do some experiment. went home with zenghui as yongtai went with mrs lam gtg shall blog soon 0 comment[s] | back to top |